Sunday 4 August 2013

Introducing Me...

So you may be wondering what I even created this blog for, and why? Especially because it is called "British Beauty Queen".

Well basically, before I buy a product I always do some online research about it first. With my blogs, I am aiming to help people who do what I do, as sometimes I find that most reviews are not really that helpful to me; they are very brief, undetailed and unreliable.
I will be giving my truthful, personal opinions of the products that I will be reviewing, adding pictures to ensure that I describe it as in-depth as I possibly can. I will be analyzing everything about it, ranging from the packaging, to the scent and how well it does/doesn't work for me.

I am hoping to be blogging a product review every weekend, however one weekday I will also be posting something new that is not a review as I want my blog to be exciting for readers- not dull! If there is a product that you would like me to review, please feel free to leave me a comment!!

Anyway -now that I have cleared all of that. I am just a normal fifteen year old girl, who lives in the amazingly sunny United Kingdom!

Thank you so much for reading, it means a lot.
-Lucy x

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